How To Make Waves Pop In A Seascape Photo

Just when you think the water on your photos already look amazing, there is still a way for you to enhance them a little bit further. This technique is highly recommended to be used for seascapes with long exposures.

Video: Amazing Photoshop technique for your Seascape!

We’ve jotted down the steps for you!

(View the video for full details and explanations)

  1. Add a Curves Adjustment layer.
  2. Select the third eyedropper tool from the top which will allow us to sample the brightest section of the waves.
  3. As soon as you click on the portion of the image, the entire image will adjust to make to change to that sampled white colour.
  4. Reduce the Opacity level to 80%.
  5. Click on Command (Mac) or CTRL+I (Windows) on your keyboard, to turn that mask black hiding the effect completely.
  6. Grab the brush tool with white foreground.
  7. Set the Opacity to 50%.
  8. Brush the waves to blend it out.
  9. Reduce the Opacity again and brush the waves again.
  10. If you want to retain the same level of brightness without adding a colour cast then add another Curves
  11. Adjustment Layer.
  12. Darken the image by dragging the cuve down.
  13. Click on Command (Mac) or CTRL+I (Windows) on your keyboard, to turn that mask black hiding the effect completely.
  14. Set the opacity again to 100% and blend the image by brushing the waves.
  15. You can continue to drag down the curve down to make the image more darker.
  16. Disabling and enabling the added Curves Adjustment Layer will allow you to see the differences on the images.

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Comments on How To Make Waves Pop In A Seascape Photo

  1. Kara Skye says:

    Thanks so much for the step-by-step tutorial! A new subscriber.

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